Trusts & Foundations
The support of trusts & foundations is essential for us to be able to carry out our work – every year around 45% of our income comes from this source. Your trust, foundation or livery company can support a particular project, such as the volunteer programme or capital costs, such as helping us to upgrade our building.
Unrestricted grants enable us to target the areas where the need is greatest. This flexibility is particularly important at the present time as the needs of our beneficiaries and the way we deliver our services are constantly changing because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Here are some examples of how we work with trusts, foundations, livery companies and public bodies:
The volunteer programme
Volunteers are key to the 999 Club’s work – both individual and corporate. In 2020 generous grants from The Pret Foundation and Streets of London enabled us to recruit a Volunteer Coordinator to move our volunteer programme on a step.
In July 2020 we appointed Zisca Burton to devise a volunteer programme, explore volunteering opportunities and work with external partners, such as Shelter and HOCHTIEF Murphy Joint Venture (HMJV) to provide volunteer training and expand the pool of individuals. Zisca has really got her teeth into the role; the team has expanded to 29 people and the skill sets offered are extremely varied. We look forward to greater volunteer involvement in coming months and years.

The Gateway
In normal times, The Gateway, the 999 Club’s day centre, is at the heart of our activities. It provides a friendly, community space for people to meet basic needs, such as having a meal, taking a shower and doing laundry.
People can access computers for job searches, benefit claims and housing applications. A case worker helps each beneficiary to assess their situation, issues and needs, and plan a pathway to secure accommodation and meet other requirements, such as finding employment.
The National Lottery Community Fund is providing substantial funding, extending to 2022, to enable us to implement our work in order to prevent homelessness and help people to sustain their tenancies.

The support of your trust, foundation or livery company will make a real difference to the lives of people who are living on the streets or in unsustainable accommodation.
If you would like further information on how your organisation can support the 999 Club, please contact