Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham, has announced the 999 Club as his chosen charity for 2018–20.
The 999 Club is a Deptford-based charity, which provides shelter, healthcare, advice and support to homeless people in the borough.
With just 13 members of staff and over 50 regular volunteers, the 999 club runs The Gateway on Deptford Broadway, a drop-in centre that gives rough sleepers the chance to eat, wash and do their laundry. It also provides a range of help with housing, benefits and employment.
The charity also runs a night shelter helping rough sleepers make a permanent move off the streets.
Damien said: ‘Homelessness has always been an issue close to my heart. At the age of 14 I became homeless with my mum and my sister. We were lucky enough to be given a council flat but, as a result of the current housing crisis, this is an opportunity that is being afforded to fewer and fewer people. The 999 Club provides an invaluable service for those who are less fortunate today than we were then.’
Tim Fallon, Chief Executive of the 999 Club, said: ‘We are absolutely thrilled that Damien has chosen the 999 Club as his official charity for the coming two years. As we can all see, homelessness on the streets of Lewisham has been on the rise, and the money raised from this partnership will enable us to help more people sleeping rough to access the services they need to get off the streets and turn their lives around. We’re looking forward to working closely with the mayor over the next 24 months and are very grateful for all his support.’
Donate now to help the 999 Club fund a summer night shelter.
All photos taken by Tariq Chaudry