Gift Aid Campaign 2023
What is Gift Aid?
Quite simply, Gift Aid is a wonderful Government scheme that allows 999 Club to reclaim the basic rate of tax you pay as a UK taxpayer on your donation.
By ticking the Gift Aid Box, we can claim 25p back from the Government for every £1 you donate. This means that we can increase the value and impact of your donation at no extra cost to you.
All you have to do to enable us to do this is simply complete a Gift Aid declaration by either:
✓ Ticking the Gift Aid box when you donate here.
✓ Completing our Online Form here.
✓ Call us on 020 8694 5797 and make a declaration over the phone
Once you have completed this process, we can claim the Tax back on your donations but you must let us know of any changes to your tax status, or personal details such as your name and address.
As a supporter of our work, your generosity enables us to make a real and lasting difference to those who are homeless or who are facing homelessness. By completing a Gift Aid Declaration, the impact of your donation will be increased as every year, through Gift Aid Scheme, we can claim back thousands of pounds to go towards our work at no extra cost to our donors.
If there are any queries on Gift Aid please email